How to start a blog in 2024 and make money? Sure, starting a blog is easy, but making money from it? Now, that’s a different story – and it’s definitely a bit more complicated!

(Some of the links below are affiliate links, so I may receive a commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Check our disclaimer for more info.)

Wondering how to kickstart your blog? It’s normal to have a lot of questions. I was once in your shoes, as were many bloggers. One common question I get is how to start a blog. In this article, I’ll walk you through the essential steps. This isn’t just about setting up hosting – we’ll dive deeper. I want to guide you through every step to ensure you start your blog the right way. Given the depth of this post, I suggest bookmarking or pinning it on Pinterest for future reference.

How to start a blog and make money in 2024


Navigate through the provided links to jump directly to the specific section of your interest and kickstart your blog journey.

So, how to start a blog in 2024?

Achieving success with your blog demands substantial time and commitment; it’s not a shortcut to quick wealth. Nevertheless, with persistence, blogging can evolve into a lucrative business venture. Initiating a blog is remarkably cost-effective, primarily requiring an investment in web hosting to commence.

Choose a Niche for your blog

Picking the right topic for your blog is super important. Your niche is like the main theme of your blog. It’s what you’ll be talking about a lot. Imagine it’s like choosing a favorite subject in school or a hobby you really enjoy.

For example, if you love cooking, your niche could be all about easy recipes and kitchen tips. If you’re into fashion, your blog could focus on the latest trends or affordable styles. Picking a niche is like deciding what you’re passionate about and what other people might want to know or learn from you. It helps you connect with your audience and makes your blogging journey more fun and rewarding!

Before starting your blog, it’s crucial to check if your chosen niche is profitable. This ensures there’s a potential audience for your blog, especially if you plan to make money from it in the future. You may refer to Profitable Blog Niches before you decide.

To determine its profitability, start with some simple market research. Let’s break it down:

Choose one of your favorite hobbies that you want to blog about. For instance, if you’re into the parenting, and you’re considering blogging about it, you want to know how popular it is and what the competition is like.

Use Google Trends for this. Type in “parenting” on Google Trends, and it will show you how many people are interested in this keyword. You’ll see a graph that indicates the level of interest over time.

If you aim for a long-lasting blog, focus on topics that have either a growing or consistently high level of interest. This helps you choose a niche that’s not only enjoyable for you but also has the potential to attract and engage your audience over the long term.

Picking your name

Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Blog: A Key Decision

Selecting a name for your blog is a crucial step in establishing your online identity and attracting readers. It’s more than just a label – it’s the first impression your audience will have, and it sets the tone for your content.

Reflecting Your Blog’s Essence:

Your blog’s name should mirror its essence and give visitors a glimpse into what you offer. Consider your niche and the primary topics you’ll cover. If your blog focuses on travel, for instance, a name that conveys adventure and exploration could be ideal.

Memorability Matters:

A memorable name is essential for word-of-mouth marketing and easy recall. Aim for simplicity and avoid complex or confusing terms. Imagine someone mentioning your blog to a friend – a catchy, easy-to-remember name is more likely to stick.

Check Availability:

Before finalizing your blog’s name, ensure the domain is available. Your domain is your web address, and it should match or closely resemble your blog’s name. Consider using platforms like Namecheap to check domain availability and secure your chosen name at an affordable price. (There is a promotion to get a dotcom domain for only $5.98 per year.) This consistency helps users find you easily and builds a cohesive brand.

How to start a blog in 2024

Select a blogging platform

In my opinion, and I believe many bloggers would concur, WordPress is my preferred choice. This platform provides abundant opportunities for customization and various options to transform your website into a reliable source of income.

Why WordPress?

Empower Your Blogging Journey with WordPress: The Ultimate Platform Choice

When it comes to selecting a blogging platform, WordPress stands as the undisputed leader, providing a robust foundation for bloggers of all levels. With its versatility, customization options, and user-friendly interface, WordPress empowers you to create a unique and compelling online presence.

Versatility at its Core:

WordPress caters to diverse needs, from personal blogs to business websites. Its versatility allows you to adapt and scale your platform as your blogging aspirations evolve, ensuring a seamless and future-proof experience.

Limitless Customization Options:

Unleash your creativity with WordPress’s extensive theme and plugin options. Customize your blog’s appearance and functionality effortlessly, creating a unique and visually appealing online space that aligns with your brand and vision.

User-Friendly Interface:

Navigating WordPress is a breeze, even for beginners. The intuitive dashboard and straightforward content management system make it easy to publish, edit, and organize your content, allowing you to focus on what matters most – creating compelling blog posts.

SEO-Friendly Foundation:

WordPress is inherently optimized for search engines, providing a solid foundation for your blog’s visibility. Benefit from built-in SEO features, such as clean code, customizable permalinks, and responsive design, to enhance your site’s search engine rankings.

Community and Support:

Join a vast and active community of WordPress users for support, inspiration, and resources. With countless forums, tutorials, and plugins available, you’re never alone in your blogging journey.

WordPress Hosting

Unlocking Your Blogging Potential with SiteGround: A Stellar Platform Choice

Selecting the right blogging platform is paramount for a successful online journey, and SiteGround stands out as a top-notch option. Offering a winning combination of reliability, exceptional customer support, and user-friendly features, SiteGround ensures your website is in capable hands.

Now, when considering your blogging platform, WORDPRESS offers both free and paid options. Opting for the paid option, known as SELF-HOSTING, grants you full control over your site, allowing you to take credit for your content without adhering to WordPress-imposed rules. This choice also means you retain 100% of the revenue generated from your site. For instance, a self-hosted site appears more professional, such as, in contrast to a free version like

Ad - Web Hosting from SiteGround - Crafted for easy site management. Click to learn more.

Click on this banner access SiteGround

Frequently, bloggers inquire about the best hosting service, and the unanimous response in various Facebook groups is SITEGROUND. The reasons are compelling:

Firstly, Siteground ensures incredible site speed, eliminating the frustration of slow-loading pages. Additionally, they offer FREE site security with an SSL certificate.

Secondly, their customer service is top-notch, featuring an online chat support system where real tech experts address issues promptly, often in less than 5 seconds.

Thirdly, Siteground guarantees minimal downtime, alleviating concerns for new bloggers.

Lastly, they provide essential website backups, ensuring your valuable content remains securely stored. Choosing Siteground not only enhances your site’s performance but also provides unparalleled support for a worry-free blogging experience. Start now with Siteground at a promotion rate of only $2.00 per month.

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Pin or bookmark this image to your Pinterest board to ensure you have easy access to this valuable information on boosting your Pinterest traffic. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on these tips!

Choosing the Siteground plan

Siteground offers three distinct plans tailored to various blogging needs:

  1. StartUp Plan $2.99: Ideal for beginners taking their first steps into blogging, offering a perfect opportunity to explore the world of online content creation.
  2. GrowBig Plan $4.99: Positioned as the best value for money, this plan is perfect for individuals managing multiple blogs under one comprehensive plan.
  3. GoGeek Plan $7.99: Tailored for advanced bloggers with aspirations for an online store and anticipating a higher volume of site visitors, providing advanced features to meet these demands.

Choose your domain

If you haven’t secured a domain name (your website’s name) yet, you can easily register one with Siteground. However, if you already possess a domain name, simply input it here and proceed with the registration process.

How to start a blog in 2024

Key in your account information and client information

Enter your Payment information and Purchase information

In terms of extra services, you have the option to choose or unselect features that may or may not be necessary for your blog. Generally, the basic features suffice. If you wish to eliminate any extra services, simply uncheck the corresponding boxes. After that, just check the box to agree to the terms and conditions and then click on PAY NOW.

Install WordPress with Siteground

Learn the easy steps to install WordPress with SiteGround using the user-friendly SiteGround Wizard tool. After acquiring your hosting package, log in to the customer area, and a helpful popup will guide you through the WordPress installation process. With just three straightforward steps, you’ll have WordPress up and running seamlessly on your site.

  1. Check on “Start a new website”
  2. Click on “WordPress logo”
  3. Choose your WordPress login details

You have successfully installed WordPress with Siteground. Congrats!

Choose your blog’s theme

Unlocking Creativity with Divi Theme: A Versatile Web Design Powerhouse

When it comes to web design, the Divi Theme earns my strong recommendation as a versatile and powerful choice. I am personally using this theme. Unparalleled Design Flexibility:

First and foremost, Divi offers an array of pre-built layouts and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, providing unparalleled design flexibility. Whether you’re a seasoned designer or a beginner, Divi caters to your creative vision.

Seamless Integration and Customization:

Moreover, Divi seamlessly integrates with WordPress, ensuring a smooth user experience. Its extensive customization options empower you to tailor your site to perfection. This seamless integration guarantees that your website not only looks impressive but also functions flawlessly.

Effortless Page Building:

Divi’s visual builder simplifies the page-building process, allowing you to witness real-time changes. Transitioning between sections and modules is seamless, fostering an efficient and enjoyable design experience.

Click on this banner for more Divi Themes

Optimized for SEO:

From an SEO perspective, Divi excels. With clean code and customizable meta tags, it ensures your website is optimized for search engines, boosting your online visibility significantly.

Diverse Modules for Functionality:

Additionally, Divi offers diverse modules for added functionality, making it suitable for a wide range of websites, from business pages to creative portfolios.

In summary, Divi transcends the conventional boundaries of web design, earning my enthusiastic recommendation for its intuitive platform that adapts to your creativity, seamlessly integrates with WordPress, optimizes for search engines, and provides a diverse range of modules for enhanced functionality.

Installing Divi theme to your wordpress blog

  1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard:
    • Access the admin section of your WordPress site. (add /wp-admin to your domain. eg.
  2. Navigate to the “Themes” Section:
    • In the dashboard menu, find and click on “Appearance,” then select “Themes.”
  3. Click on “Add New”:
    • Look for the “Add New” button and click on it.
  4. Search for “Divi”:
    • In the search bar, enter “Divi” to locate the theme.
  5. Install Divi:
    • Once Divi appears in the search results, click on the “Install” button.
  6. Activate Divi:
    • After installation, click on the “Activate” button to make Divi your active theme.
  7. Access Divi Theme Options:
    • Find the Divi Theme Options in your WordPress dashboard to access various customization settings.
  8. Activate Divi Builder:
    • Enable the Divi Builder with a simple click to start the visual page-building process.
  9. Explore Module Options:
    • Within the Divi Builder, explore and utilize various modules for different functionalities.
  10. Save Your Progress:
    • Regularly save your design changes by clicking on the “Save” button.
  11. Preview Your Design:
    • Use the “Preview” option to see how your changes will appear on the live site before making them final.
  12. Publish Your Changes:
    • Once satisfied with your design, click on “Publish” to make your changes live on your website.

This step-by-step guide ensures a smooth installation and customization process for the Divi Theme on your WordPress site.

Install Plugins to your blog

Elevate your WordPress blog’s functionality by effortlessly installing plugins, powerful add-ons that enhance performance and user experience. What are the best wordpress plugins? Navigate to Plugin Installation:

Start by logging into your WordPress dashboard and locating the “Plugins” tab. Click on “Add New” to explore the vast plugin repository.

Explore Essential Plugin Categories:

Dive into various plugin categories such as SEO, Security, and Social Media Integration. For SEO optimization, consider installing Yoast SEO. For security, options like Wordfence Security offer robust protection.

Optimize Site Speed with Cache Plugins:

Improve site speed with cache plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache. These plugins enhance user experience and positively impact SEO rankings.

Enhance Visual Appeal with Image Optimizers:

For image optimization, install plugins like Shortpixel. It optimizes and compresses website images, improving page loading speed for a better user experience. It reduces image file sizes without compromising quality, enhancing overall site performance.

Maximize Social Media Presence:

Boost your social media presence with plugins like Social Warfare or AddToAny. These tools facilitate seamless sharing, increasing your content’s visibility across platforms.

Activate Anti-Spam Measures:

Keep your blog’s comment section free from spam by installing Akismet. This anti-spam plugin filters out unwanted comments, preserving the integrity of your content.

Ensure Backup and Security:

Prioritize backup and security with plugins like UpdraftPlus or iThemes Security. These tools safeguard your data and provide peace of mind against potential threats.


Installing plugins is a pivotal step in optimizing your WordPress blog. From SEO to security and user engagement, the right plugins transform your site into a dynamic, efficient platform. Explore the extensive plugin library, customize your blog, and elevate its overall performance effortlessly.

Give your blog a nice design

Embarking on the design journey for your blog is a pivotal moment that significantly shapes your brand’s identity. As Jeff Bezos wisely puts it, “Your brand is what people say about you when you are not in the room.” Creating an impressive brand design is paramount for leaving a lasting impact on your visitors.

First Impressions: The Power of Visual Appeal

Acknowledging that first impressions are lasting, your blog design should capture attention instantly. Aim for a design that not only entices visitors but encourages them to explore further, fostering a longer stay on your site.

Conveying Professionalism: Building Trust and Credibility

Beyond attractiveness, your blog design must convey professionalism. Establishing credibility and gaining your reader’s trust hinges on presenting a professional image. A polished appearance instills a sense of security, assuring your audience that your blog is a reliable source of information.

Connecting with the Right Audience: The Role of Branding

Effective branding, facilitated by a well-crafted design, attracts the right audience to your blog. The challenge lies in making a compelling impression within seconds. A strategically designed blog not only leaves a positive imprint but also resonates with those who align with your brand.

Design Elements: A Closer Look

  1. Logo: Distinctive and Memorable
    • Craft a unique yet simple logo that distinguishes your brand. Strive for a balance of style and readability, ensuring it leaves a lasting impression. I have created Hustle Harbor logo using Canva.
  2. Color: The Psychology of Hues
    • Leverage the psychological impact of colors to promote brand focus. Tools like Adobe Color CC, Coolors, and Colorhexa assist in creating a harmonious color scheme that reflects professionalism and authority.
  3. Fonts: Enhancing Readability
    • Optimize readability by carefully selecting font styles and sizes. Limit the number of fonts to maintain a clean and consistent look. Platforms like Dafont and Creative Market offer diverse font options to align with your blog’s personality.
  4. Mood Boards: Foundation of Visual Elements
    • Establish a visual foundation for your blog with mood boards. Platforms like Pinterest serve as an ideal space to curate images, colors, and inspirations that define your brand’s style. Consider creating your own mood board using tools like Canva for a personalized touch.

In essence, your blog’s design goes beyond aesthetics – it’s a strategic tool for leaving a memorable mark on your audience. Whether through a striking logo, a thoughtfully chosen color palette, carefully curated fonts, or a comprehensive mood board, each design element contributes to the overall success of your blog’s visual identity.

Building your blog’s brand

Unlock the full potential of your blog’s brand with these final tips. Elevate your visual identity, establish professionalism, and connect with the right audience. From crafting a distinctive logo to leveraging the psychology of colors and optimizing readability with fonts, these insights will guide you in creating a memorable and trustworthy brand. Explore mood boards for a visual foundation, ensuring your blog’s design resonates with your unique style. Seize the opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your audience, fostering credibility and trust. Elevate your brand’s impact with these essential tips for building a successful blog identity.

Key pages you should add to your blog

Essential Pages for a Robust Blog Presence: A Strategic Guide

Embarking on a successful blogging journey involves more than just sharing content. Ensuring a well-rounded online presence requires the incorporation of key pages that enhance user experience and credibility.

1. Home Page: Welcoming and Informative

  • To kickstart your blog experience, the home page serves as the digital front door. Here, visitors are greeted with an overview of your blog’s essence, guiding them through your content offerings.

2. About Me: Establishing Connection

  • Now, let’s delve deeper into your story. An “About Me” page is your opportunity to establish a personal connection with your audience. Here, readers get to know the face behind the blog, fostering trust and relatability.

3. Blog: Navigating Your Content Hub

  • With a solid introduction, visitors are ready to explore your content hub. The “Blog” page acts as a central repository for your posts, providing a structured layout for easy navigation. This is where your audience can immerse themselves in your diverse content.

4. Contact: Bridging the Communication Gap

  • Communication is key. The “Contact” page serves as a bridge between you and your audience. Encourage engagement by providing accessible contact information, fostering a seamless connection with your readers.

5. Services/Products: Showcasing Offerings

  • Now, let’s talk about what you offer. Whether services or products, a dedicated page allows you to showcase your offerings. This page acts as a gateway for interested visitors, providing detailed insights into what you bring to the table.

6. Testimonials: Building Credibility

  • The voice of your satisfied customers matters. A “Testimonials” page builds credibility by featuring feedback and endorsements. This page acts as a testament to the value and quality your blog provides.

7. Resources: Providing Value Beyond Content

  • Let’s enhance the user experience further. A “Resources” page goes beyond regular content, offering valuable tools, guides, or external links. This is where your audience discovers additional value, positioning your blog as a go-to resource.

8. Privacy Policy: Ensuring Transparency

  • Building trust requires transparency. A “Privacy Policy” page ensures your audience that their data is handled responsibly. This page communicates your commitment to protecting user privacy.

Conclusion: Crafting a Holistic Blog Experience

  • In crafting a comprehensive blog presence, these key pages play pivotal roles. From welcoming your audience on the home page to ensuring transparency through the privacy policy, each page contributes to a holistic and impactful blog experience.

How to generating blog traffic?

Embarking on a journey to boost your blog traffic requires a thoughtful strategy and a blend of effective techniques. Let’s delve into actionable insights and real-life examples to guide you in this pursuit.

1. Optimize Your Content for Search Engines:

  • Enhancing Visibility: Begin by optimizing your blog content for search engines. Incorporate relevant keywords, meta tags, and descriptions to enhance your blog’s visibility on platforms like Google.

2. Leverage the Power of Social Media:

  • Amplify Reach with Social Platforms: Harness the expansive reach of social media platforms. Share your blog posts across networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to tap into diverse audiences and drive traffic.

Pinterest encourages frequent pinning and daily activity. However, it’s not realistic to spend all day managing your profile. That’s where ‘Pinterest Schedulers’ come in! These tools, like Tailwind and Boardbooster, allow you to schedule your pins. It allows you to cross post on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook. You just set up a schedule, and these schedulers post your pins at the best times throughout the day. It’s super convenient! With Tailwind, for example, you can schedule pins from your website, blog, or other Pinterest sites. The scheduler calculates the best times to pin and does it automatically.

3. Create Engaging and Shareable Content:

  • Encourage Virality: Craft content that captivates your audience and compels them to share. Whether it’s informative articles, visually appealing infographics, or entertaining videos, shareable content has the potential to go viral.

4. Implement Effective Email Marketing:

  • Build a Subscriber Base: Develop a robust email marketing strategy to engage your audience directly. Regular newsletters and updates can drive recurring traffic while nurturing a loyal readership.

5. Collaborate with Influencers:

  • Tap into Existing Audiences: Collaborate with influencers in your niche to tap into their existing audiences. Guest posts, joint ventures, or shoutouts can expose your blog to new and interested readers.

6. Utilize Online Communities:

  • Participate and Share Expertise: Engage with online communities and forums relevant to your blog’s niche. Share your expertise, answer questions, and subtly promote your content to attract like-minded individuals.

7. Implement On-Page and Off-Page SEO:

  • Enhance Search Engine Rankings: Dive into the intricacies of on-page and off-page SEO. From optimizing meta titles and descriptions to building quality backlinks, these techniques contribute to improved search engine rankings.

8. Run Contests and Giveaways:

  • Foster Engagement: Create excitement and engagement through contests and giveaways. Encourage participation, require social shares for entry, and watch as your blog gains traction through increased visibility.

9. Analyze and Adjust Strategies:

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Regularly analyze traffic data using tools like Google Analytics. Identify successful strategies, understand user behavior, and adapt your approach based on the insights gained.

10. Foster a Community:

  • Build a Supportive Community: Cultivate a sense of community around your blog. Encourage comments, respond to feedback, and create a space where readers feel connected. A thriving community often leads to word-of-mouth referrals and sustained traffic growth.

By implementing these strategies and drawing inspiration from successful examples, you can effectively boost your blog traffic and create a lasting impact on your readership.

How to start a blog in 2024 to make money?

Embarking on the journey of turning your blog into a lucrative venture involves exploring diverse avenues for generating income. Let’s delve into actionable strategies and real-life examples to guide you in effectively monetizing your blog.

1. Affiliate Marketing:

  • Earning Through Partnerships: Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. Explore partnerships with relevant brands and seamlessly integrate affiliate links into your content.

2. Sponsored Content and Collaborations:

  • Monetize Your Influence: Leverage your blog’s influence by collaborating with brands for sponsored content. Share your insights, experiences, or reviews, and receive compensation in return. Authentic partnerships can be mutually beneficial for both you and the sponsoring brand.

3. Selling Digital Products:

  • Creating and Selling Products: Dive into the world of digital products. Develop e-books, online courses, or exclusive content that aligns with your niche. Sell these products directly to your audience, providing valuable insights and expertise.
4. Offering Online Courses:
  • Educational Revenue Streams: Capitalize on your expertise by creating and selling online courses. Provide in-depth knowledge on topics relevant to your audience, establishing yourself as an authority in your niche.

5. Displaying Advertisements:

  • Monetizing Page Real Estate: Incorporate display advertisements strategically on your blog. Utilize ad networks like Google AdSense to showcase relevant ads, earning revenue based on clicks or impressions.

6. Membership and Subscription Models:

  • Exclusive Access for Subscribers: Consider implementing membership or subscription models. Offer exclusive content, early access, or special perks to subscribers who pay a recurring fee, creating a consistent stream of revenue.

7. Freelance Writing and Consulting:

  • Leveraging Your Expertise: Monetize your writing skills by offering freelance writing services. Additionally, explore opportunities for consulting within your niche, providing personalized insights and advice for a fee.

8. Selling Physical Products:

  • E-Commerce Integration: If applicable, venture into e-commerce by selling physical products related to your blog’s niche. This could include merchandise, branded items, or curated selections tailored to your audience.

Did this post help you start your blog?

I really hope your blog will bring you income. Be patient and post consistently. You will see results.

Seeking Your Feedback: A Favor After Exploring the Blogging Guide

Wondering if this comprehensive guide has been instrumental in kickstarting your blogging journey?

Crafting this extensive guide on blog initiation was a labor of passion, and if it has indeed proven helpful in launching your blog, could I ask a small favor?

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  • To further extend the reach of this valuable resource, consider linking to this post on your newly established blog. By doing so, you’re ensuring that aspiring bloggers can also benefit from the insights shared here.

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  • Now, here’s a slightly self-indulgent request. It warms my heart to hear how this guide has assisted others in embarking on their blogging journey. I would be genuinely delighted if you could share your thoughts below, letting me know if this guide has been of help, and feel free to drop a link to your new blog. Your comments truly make my day!

I will be sharing more articles on affiliate marketing, how to use a Divi theme, etc. Please stay tune. Thank you. Alternatively, you may sign up HERE for a free online training I have attended before.

How to start a blog and make money in 2024
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